Artisan Bake™
Get consistent, high-quality loaves in artisan breads.
Recommended for
Artisan Breads
Improves volume, water absorption crumb texture, & dough tolerance.

REPCO® Blend
Off-The-Shelf Blends
= Clean Label
Artisan Bake 250
A blend to help improve volume, water absorption, and crumb structure of artisan breads. It allows bakers to create beautiful artisan breads but helps improve the tolerance of the dough and keep consistent, high-quality loaves.

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Always Innovating…
For Goodness’ Sake™
We are always innovating and testing new ideas. Our bake technicians are hard at work in our bake-lab to bring you the solutions you need to meet your customer’s expectations. From clean-label solutions to simple replacers, we can’t wait to bring the next big thing to your bakery.